
Thom Andersen*
Faculty Emeritus

Thom Andersen has lived in Los Angeles for most of his life. In the 1960s, he made short films, including Melting (1965), Olivia’s Place (1966), and --- ------- (1967, with Malcolm Brodwick). In 1974 he completed Eadweard Muybridge, Zoopraxographer, an hour-long documentation of... Continue reading »

Andrew Bac
Faculty, School of Film/Video
Character Animation

Dr. Bongsung Andrew Bac received his Ph.D. in the joint program of Art Education and Advanced Computing Center for Arts and Design (ACCAD) from the Ohio State University. He also received an MFA in Computer Arts from the School of Visual Arts in New York. Andrew has taught computer graphics as a... Continue reading »

* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty