Program Faculty

Lee Anne Schmitt
Director, Film Directing Program
Film Directing Program Faculty
661-255-1050 x2152

Lee Anne Schmitt is a Los Angeles based filmmaker interested in political thought, personal experience and the land.  Much of her work revolves around landscape, objects and the traces of political systems left upon them.  Her projects have addressed American Exceptionalism, the logic... Continue reading »

Abigail Severance
Dean, School of Film/Video
Faculty, Film Directing Program

Abigail Severance makes films in a range of forms from narrative to abstract, which explore nostalgia, history, autobiography and the queer heart. Her work has screened at Sundance, The Broad, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Studio Museum Harlem, MIX LGBT Festival, and the National Museum of Women in... Continue reading »

Suanne Spoke
Faculty, School of Film/Video
Program in Film and Video & Character Animation
661-255-1050 x2150

A multi-award winning actor/producer, she has made over 150 appearances on stage/film/television, most recently on “Station 19” and starring in “Second chances with Jason Nash” for YouTubeTV.  She can be seen in “Whiplash”, “Wild Prairie... Continue reading »

* Faculty Emeritus
Part-time Faculty